Living the Premium Lifestyle

Dreaming Big

Carah Ross didn’t think she was the kind of person who could be a successful Promoter. Now she’s a role model to others on her team

As an addict in recovery, Carah Ross was struggling to rebuild her life. It was May of 2019, and Ross was working two minimum-wage jobs to try to make ends meet and support her teenage daughter. She was putting in 16-hour days, six days a week, and one of her jobs required a two-hour daily commute. “I was killing myself in these dead-end jobs, but I didn’t think I had any other choice,” says Ross.

But spending so much time doing unfulfilling work for little pay was taking its toll. “I was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted all the time,” she remembers. “There wasn’t a night that I didn’t bawl myself to sleep.”

A Promoter friend who saw she was struggling told her about THRIVE and sent her a three-day sample. Ross says she started scrolling the Le-Vel fan page on Facebook and was surprised to see other women like her, “who were living in Groundhog Day and wanted to get their happy back.”

The friend connected her to another Promoter, a single mom who had left an abusive relationship who was building a new life as a THRIVE Promoter.
“I thought, ‘if she can do it, why can’t I?’” Ross says.

As a Day 1 THRIVER, Ross found herself joyfully singing in the shower after taking her morning capsules. “That day at work I was super focused,” she says. “By Day 3, I was actually smiling at people at the job I hated most.”

Ross immediately became a Promoter and worked hard to quiet the negative self-talk in her head. “I was the girl who had every reason why this wouldn’t work for her,” she says. “I’m a recovering addict, I have no employment history, I’ve never done direct sales, and I curse a lot. So, all of those excuses were in my brain. But I shooed them away.”

Ross hit the 4K VIP milestone within the first month. Seven weeks later, she earned her Auto Bonus and reached the 12K rank.

“We’ve got a great product that’s like a celebrity: It sells itself.”

Having that early success allowed her to focus more time and effort on growing her THRIVE business. She stayed at the 12K rank for about eight months. Then she qualified for her first Lifestyle Getaway last March and headed off to Mexico.

Attending that event was life changing. “That Getaway lit a fire under me,” she says. “I found myself crying grateful tears that I had found this company where anything was possible.”

When she returned from Mexico, Ross doubled down on her THRIVE business and decided to focus on it full time. “It was a great feeling to know that I no longer needed to work a job I hated to survive,” she says.

Ross continued to build her team, some of whom are also single moms in recovery. “I’m helping them start to dream bigger, like I am,” she says.
She’s an expert at coaching doubtful Promoters who don’t think they have what it takes to be successful.

She always shares with them her key to success: “We’ve got a great product that’s like a celebrity: It sells itself,” she says. “All you need to do is share your experience authentically and you can help people.

“Trust me, there’s nothing special about me,” she says. “If I can do this, anyone can.”

© Rufhaus Designs; Heather Ogg

The success shown in these profiles is not typical of the success, if any, a Le-Vel Brand Promoter can or will have.
There are no financial guarantees.